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MEDYC - 皺紋 - Hyaluronic Acid - Alpha Hydroxy Acids
The Science and Beauty of MEDYC
Transform Skin Health
  The name of MEDYC represents our brand values and philosophy.

MED stand for「MedicalOur core belief that science, technology and innovation are the keys to the development of safe, effecti...
The Science and Beauty of MEDYC
Transform Skin Health
  The name of MEDYC represents our brand values and philosophy.

MED stand for「MedicalOur core belief that science, technology and innovation are the keys to the development of safe, effective and highly penetrating skin care formulations for the maintenance of skin health.

YC stand for「Youthful ComplexionOur positive beauty mission is to make it possible for everyone to have healthy, beautiful and youthful skin.   We are proud to use the combination of plant elements and medical aesthetic to create new skin care formulas and embracing a new era of beauty and perfect for your skin.


隨著年齡的增長,人體中的膠原蛋白和透明質酸會隨著皮膚的水分含量呈指數下降,導致皮膚失去彈性。 加上環境污染和不良的生活習慣的影響,細紋和皺紋在臉上變得更加嚴重。 關鍵是保濕,補充膠原蛋白並使用抗氧化劑,保持皮膚清新無皺紋。


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